
Afolabi Oladele

Chair, Impact Investors Foundation
Mr. Afolabi Oladele FNAE, Chair, Impact Investors’ Foundation Afolabi recently retired as Executive of Director of Africa Capital Alliance (ACA) after almost 30 years of service to the organization. Prior to joining ACA, he spent most of his career with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) where he served in various capacities, culminating in his appointment as Group Executive Director. He gained in-depth industry knowledge through various postings to OPEC, Mobil USA and Total France. Mr. Oladele served on the board of Niger Delta Exploration & Production (NDEP) PLC in 2016 and currently sits on the Board of Addax Petroleum Corporation. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers and the Nigerian Academy of Engineers. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and post-graduate certificates in petroleum economics and management
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