
Sebastian Welisiejko

Chief Policy Officer, GSG Impact
Economist (University of Buenos Aires; MSc Development Economics University of Sussex) specialized in development, impact investment, public policies, urbanism, and conflict, with extensive global experience. Sebastián serves as the Chief Policy Officer at The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG Impact). Additionally, he leads the Secretariat of the Impact Taskforce (ITF) established under the British presidency of the G7 in 2021, is a member of the Advisory Committee of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) established by the IFRS Foundation, the technical committee of the International Foundation for Valuing Impacts (IFVI), and the sustainability advisory group of the International Public Sector Standards Board (IPSASB). He also serves as the Managing Partner of New Ventures Group. Previously, he was the Vice Minister of Social Development of the Nation (Argentina), Secretary of State for Sociourban Integration at the Ministry of Social Development (Argentina), and Project Coordinator in the Office of the Chief of Staff (Argentina). He also served as Chief Economist of The Portland Trust (UK, Palestine, Israel), and Executive Director of GSG (UK).
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